Reporting on subjects as diverse as medicine, science and sports. TIME sparks debate. Progressive ideas and provocative topics and gets the nation and the world talking. TIME sets the agenda and explores ideas providing a roadmap for the future ....more
Time has earned a reputation as the World´s Newsmagazine and no wonder - TIME clarifies and explains the significance of what is elsewhere merely reported. It has the largest full-time editorial staff of any publisher in the world. Since its founding in 1923, TIME Magazine has been one of the most authoritative and informative guides to what is happening in the worlds of health and science, politics, business, society and entertainment. Every week, close to 2 million affluent consumers, frequent travellers and senior business people turn to TIME EMEA for award winning coverage of the key issues affecting the region.
TIME is published twice a month (except in January and July). TIME will be delivered in the form of double issues, which count as two issues. Frequency is subject to change without notice. Issue price based on single issue.
Published in English and delivered Bi-Weekly.
To ensure continued delivery renew 4-6 weeks for before your current expiry date.
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*maximum saving across all subscription terms (renewal terms may vary), savings based on regular magazine cover price: 154.95 Kr per issue
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